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Закон за амнестија за Хашките случаи

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Закон за амнестија за Хашките случаи - Page 4 Empty Re: Закон за амнестија за Хашките случаи

Пишување by Arhimed Вто Апр 07 2015, 23:18

Што објавил Викиликс за дописот на Амбасадата на САД во РМ (2008-10-06 06:41) линк
Џулијан Асанж, Викиликс напиша:CLASSIFIED BY: Ambassador Reeker for reasons 1.5 (b) and (d).

¶1. (SBU) Summary: The four war crimes case files recently returned to Macedonian jurisdiction by the ICTY are threatening to fracture the new coalition between the largest ethnic Macedonian party, VMRO-DPMNE, and its ethnic Albanian partner, DUI.  One of the four cases has already proceeded to trial; all of them implicate e-Albanian MPs.  These cases have the potential to revive interethnic tensions and raw -- if latent -- hostility stemming from the brief civil conflict of 2001.  The international community has invested significant resources into training judges and prosecutors on how to handle these cases properly.  Despite this, there are questions about law enforcement and the judiciary's ability to process these cases fairly in a highly politicized environment.   End summary.

Political Maneuvering as Gruevski Seeks a Way Out
--------------------------------------------- --------

¶2. (C) In the course of a Sept. 21 meeting on other subjects with PM Gruevski and FonMin Milososki, then-Charge inquired as to the GoM's thinking regarding the decision to prosecute the four cases recently returned to Macedonian jurisdiction by the ICTY.
(Background: ICTY agreed to review the cases in 2002, but the tribunal declined to prosecute --or even investigate -- and returned the files to Macedonia earlier this year.  All four cases implicate ethnic Albanians for acts committed during interethnic violence here in 2001.)
Gruevski responded that he understood that this was a difficult issue for his coalition partner, the e-Albanian DUI party, and said he was meeting DUI leader Ali Ahmeti that same day to discuss the issue.  He added that the Chief Prosecutor (CP) recently told him that the 2002 amnesty law does not apply to these cases (as Ahmeti has argued, see ref a), and that he will proceed with three out of the four (Gruevski said the CP told him that he does not have sufficient evidence to pursue the so-called "NLA Leadership" case).
Асанж велепредавник! Под итно да се воведе петиција да се обвини Асанж!
Да се уапси директно од амбасадата на Еквадор во Лондон!


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Закон за амнестија за Хашките случаи - Page 4 Empty Re: Закон за амнестија за Хашките случаи

Пишување by king Вто Апр 07 2015, 23:22

Тој секое утро се радува на изгрејсонцето ... Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

...само до кога?

..ебем ти таков живот ...

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